Kamassekutik (ID 122)
Kapikuanipanut natuashu (ID 277)
Kauauatshikamat (ID 143)
Kauipushkasht (ID 206)
Kaushetinati (ID 116)
Manitu-utshu (ID 494)
Meshikamau (ID 620)
Mishti-Shuapi (ID 217)
Tshishkuetutsheunnu-minishtiku (ID 410)
Uhu-neiau (ID 529)
Upatauatshetshuan (ID 344)
Ushkan-shipiss (ID 492)
Movie clips and audio stories related to places in Nitassinan that have Innu names are available on this page. The audio stories are by Innu from Natuashish, Sheshatshiu and the former Utshimassit (Davis Inlet) including youth, students, adults and Tshishennuat (Elders).
Click on “movie clips” to see a list of short movies that you can view concerning places in Nitassinan. There is no sound with these movies.
Click on “audio stories from older people” to see a list of stories about named places that you can listen to.
Click on “youth audio stories” to see a list of stories by Innu youth that you can listen to.
In order to view the movie clips and hear the audio stories, you need to be running Adobe Flash Player.