Tuminik Pokue cleaning a caribou at Matshi-nipi while Pinamen and children look on. Photo courtesy Rick Cober Bauman.
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Tuminik Pokue cleaning a caribou at Matshi-nipi while Pinamen and children look on. Photo courtesy Rick Cober Bauman.
ID: 366
Longitude: -59.7910
Latitude: 54.5342
Pronunciation: mətʃə-nəpi:Pronunciation
Translation: Bad Lake
Official Name: Michinappi Lake
Feature: lake

This very deep lake is inhabited by a huge, dangerous creature that can swim and dive. Some people say it has a hen's head while others say it looks like a fox. It has been there a long time and does not bother people unless one tries to shoot at it. Many Innu have seen this dangerous creature.